Procedure of Third Molar Wisdom Teeth Removal

People are facing the growing concerns of wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth don’t cause any oral issues but surely discomfort when they start decaying. The third molars are often termed as permanent missing teeth among adults with a  percentage ranging from 9 to 20 percent. Teeth cleaning is important to keep all teeth intact. It includes proper brushing, daily flossing, and a good diet.

There is no doubt that wisdom teeth are valuable if  healthy. But if not properly aligned, causes pain and wisdom teeth removal becomes necessary. It could only cause issues to the adjacent teeth, jawbones, or nerves. Get to know the highly advisable procedure to remove wisdom teeth below.

What are third molars?

Third molars are the final teeth that emerge in the early 20s and are known as wisdom teeth. Most people in their teenage already have complete teeth with 4 canines, 8 premolars, 8 incisors, 12 molars, and 4 wisdom teeth. These 4 wisdom teeth are in the corner of the mouth. They are important to mince the food while chewing and are the most posterior teeth.

These teeth often cause severe problems because of misalignment or staying intact to the tissue. They impact the heath if not fully erupted causing other teeth to be vulnerable to bacteria and infection. In certain conditions, third molars require immediate removal.

Why do you need a third molar extraction?

The third molar extraction means taking out the wisdom teeth. This process is important for patients with severe oral issues due to the affected wisdom teeth. The dental procedure causes oral problems when there is not enough room for the third molar to erupt. This could lead to infection, pain, or harm to the gums or teeth which further becomes the reason for tumors or cysts. So almost 76.4% of people have a reliable reason for wisdom teeth removal.

Signs that you need extraction

If you follow up on proper teeth cleaning, you will never experience any issues like impacted wisdom teeth. But most of the time the symptoms of the impacted third molars are not so visible. It may cause:

  • severe pain or swelling of the jaw or face
  • swollen, red, or bleeding gums
  • bad breath or bad taste in the mouth
  • difficulty in opening the mouth
  • tooth decay of the adjacent teeth
  • development of a cyst
  • complications with the braces

Procedures of third Molar removal

Before the dentist starts any surgical procedure, he will perform an examination and ask for reliable symptoms. Proper dental x-rays are required to check if the wisdom teeth are impacted or the jawbone along with the teeth is affected.    

The common surgical procedure is followed by oral and maxillofacial dentists. The required skill and training help to perform a surgical method. The entire wisdom teeth removal depends on the teeth’s location. It also depends on the health of the teeth. The following techniques are used to extract the third molar.

  • The dentist has to reach the tooth and remove it by creating an incision in the gum tissue. The incision is then sewn.
  • The dentist uses local anesthesia to numb the teeth region so you will feel minimum pain during the surgical method.
  • For severe cases, dentists also have to remove the bone that blocks the tooth root.
  • Dividing the tooth into sections makes it easy to remove the tooth in pieces.
  • The entire site is cleaned so any debris from bone or tooth should not be left behind.
  • A gauze is placed after the wisdom teeth removal to control the bleeding.
  • However, after stitches, gauze is not placed but proper precautions are followed.

Alternative wisdom tooth treatment

If wisdom teeth removal is not required, it is important to follow up with deep teeth cleaning. Careful flossing protects the teeth. If the wisdom tooth is not causing any issues or affecting your oral health, consider options like regular teeth cleaning, dental visits, or removing the problematic teeth to create space for wisdom teeth.

A teeth whitening procedure or an aesthetical dentist can also address the related concerns in managing wisdom teeth. Otherwise, oral and maxillofacial surgeons surely help because they have appropriate training to manage the third molars with sealants. Sealants protect molars in children as well as in adults.

Recovery after the third molar extraction

The recovery period after wisdom teeth removal is usually longer than the simple tooth extraction. The procedure causes severe pain, swelling or often bleeding in the extraction area. the proper instructions must be followed for several days after the third molar extraction.

  • A patient must avoid drinking with a straw or smoking for several days.
  • Bite firmly on a sterile gauze for 5 minutes to stop the bleeding.
  • One should avoid alcoholic drinks, hot drinks such as coffee or tea, or even vigorous exercises are not recommended.
  • Do not try to remove any blood clot that is formed in the area because it may contain good healing factors.
  • If bleeding starts again, use a clean tissue or a handkerchief and fold it. Then put it on the area and bite firmly again until the bleeding stops.
  • Use warm salt mouthwash to prevent any infections. never miss teeth cleaning for other teeth in the mouth.
  • Dentist advise to eat cold food items such as plain ice cream or slush to get relieve from the pain.
  • Avoid going for procedures like teeth whitening or deep teeth cleaning until the wounds heal.
  • Take necessary painkillers including antibiotics or anti-allergy as prescribed by the dentist.


If wisdom teeth is causing any oral issues get to know what is tooth decay reason of the adjacent teeth to wisdom teeth. It is best to take care of teeth cleaning to maintain good oral health. But if the wisdom teeth cause infection, or pain, then look no further than Lycian Dental Clinic, the best dental clinic out there.

At Lycian Dental Clinic, our expert staff of dentists understands the associated risks of having an unhealthy wisdom tooth. They will assess the health of wisdom teeth and determine the wisdom teeth removal procedure carefully.

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