Eating Your Way to a Healthier Smile

A healthy diet is the ultimate reason to have a healthier smile. The food you choose to eat maintains overall health. What you eat plays a great role in good dental health. According to the stats, 60 percent of the Turkish population tries to consume a healthy diet. A smile dental professional recommends to have the best dietary choice to have bright healthy teeth.

A well-balanced diet and food items full of nutrients not only support general health but also behave as a dental defense against dental issues and tooth decay. At the same time, poor diet choices lead to several health problems from gum diseases to cavities or even tooth loss. Get to know the connection of a healthy diet which ensures healthy smiles.

What foods are good for dental health?

There are certain foods which are beneficial for your dental health due to their nutrients. The stats show that almost 31 percent of people consume fast food every day. Following are the top healthy food items

  • Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt: All of the dairy products are rich in phosphates and calcium. Dairy products are recommended by every  family dentist. These products allow to remineralize the tooth enamel. Even cheese and eggs stimulate the production of saliva which helps to neutralize the mouth acids and cleanses the bacteria of the mouth.
  • Spinach and Kale: The leafy green vegetables are high in folic acid and calcium. It gives strength to teeth and also improves the health of gums.
  • Carrots and Celery: The crunchy vegetables behave as a natural toothbrush. These vegetables scrub away the plaque and tartar from teeth by stimulating gums. These vegetables require chewing and enhance the production of saliva.
  • Apples: Apples are also considered natural toothbrushes because of being fibrous and crunchy. It is highly recommended by almost every  Smile Dental Clinic because it helps to clean the surface of teeth by providing strengthening vitamins.
  • Nuts and seeds: The nuts and seeds are beneficial because of the essential minerals. They contain phosphorous, almonds, and calcium which are high in protein and low in sugar.
  • Fish and lean meats: The seafood is rich in protein and phosphorous. This helps to maintain the tooth enamel.

Which foods are bad for dental health?

Following are the foods that prove to be detrimental. This food creates harmful bacteria in the mouth leading to various dental issues such as tooth decay, gum inflammation, and cavities.

  • Beverages or sugary food items: Professionals at any dental clinic always advise avoiding sugary items and drinks. These items feed the bacteria in your mouth. This enables the excess production of the acids which erodes and damages the enamel. The sugary items include sodas, candies, and cereals as well.
  • Bread and Chips: Bread and Chips lie in the starch food category. It breaks down these products into simple sugar particles which easily get trapped in the teeth becoming the ultimate reason for tooth decay.
  • Citrus and Soda: Acidic food items and drinks damage the tooth enamel with time. it is the only reason for cavities and tooth decay.
  • Caramel, syrups, sauce, and dried fruits: The sticky and hard food items stick to the teeth and do not wash away easily. They stick to the teeth and become the reason for bacteria being a prolonged source of sugar.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol reduces the production of saliva making the mouth dry and becoming the reason for gum disease and tooth decay.

Ways to get a healthy smile

A family dentist always guides you to keep your smile healthy and bright. Even at a smile dental office, you will be advised to follow up on a variety of ways to maintain the appearance of the teeth which are as follows:

  • Flossing helps to remove the plaque between teeth and from the gumlines.  it prevents gingivitis and tooth decay by removing plaque and tartar.
  • Deep cleaning and routine checkups promote good oral hygiene. Smile dental professional helps to maintain a beautiful Bollywood smile especially when you follow up with the family dentist.
  • Give up smoking habits because it stains the teeth and damages the gums.
  • Limit the intake of tea, coffee, and red wine because they damage the natural polish of your teeth and become the reason for tooth decay.
  • Use a good-quality toothbrush to remove the tartar and plaque. The manual toothbrushes help to achieve healthy gums and make the teeth strong.
  • Drink a lot of water because it is the source of fluoride and promotes healthy teeth.
  • Improve your health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and blood pressure which affects the appearance of your smile and damages the teeth.

Foods That remove tartar from teeth

There are the best foods as prescribed by professional dentists for a bright smile dental health. Fresh fruits such as apples, peaches, and crisp fruits help to remove tartar from teeth naturally. These fruits are high in nutrition and also clean plaque allowing to freshen breath.

While many raw vegetables such as celery, carrots, and green vegetables contain lots of antioxidant properties to protect the gums. Family dentists always advise you to protect your teeth from bacterial infection or cell damage which is possible by chewing onto raw vegetables.

How to clean teeth naturally?

For healthy gums and naturally white teeth look for the best food items

  • Citrus fruits and apples are not the substitute for flossing or brushing but these fibrous fruits increase saliva and clean the teeth by neutralizing the acids in the mouth.
  • The root vegetables stimulate the gums and behave as a mouth cleanser by creating vitamin A. They also make the teeth strong.
  • Multi-colored vegetables such as kale, asparagus, chard, cabbage, and spinach improve oral health because of vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, and beta-carotene. Phosphorous stores in the teeth making them strong.
  • The raw berries strengthen the teeth tissues and stop the bacteria process which leads to tooth decay and plaque.


Visiting a dental clinic very often helps to maintain the oral health. Smile dental expert gives the perfect balance to your dental health. Eating a variety of healthy foods and plenty of water is equally important to protect the teeth. Raw fruits and vegetables massage gums naturally, and clean teeth by generating saliva that prevents acid attacks to teeth and protects from cavities.

However, if you still love snacking and have developed cavities or dental issues, Lycian Dental Clinic offers the best examination. Out dentists provide preventative treatments for you to resolve dental problems and offer personalized care for you. So, get your comprehensive smile dental services now.

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