How Smoking Increases the Risk of Gum Disease

Have you been smoking and neglecting your oral health too? You may want to think again before you light up another cigarette. Yes, smoking and gum disease have a very strong connection. As per the stats, 75% to 90% of oral cancer cases are associated with smoking.

In the following article, we will dive deeply into understanding the relationship between gum diseases and smoking, and how you can prevent gum disease. So let’s get started.

Gum disease

The major cause of tooth loss in adults is gum disease which occurs because of bacterial infection. Gum disease should not be left untreated because it may cause issues while chewing food and make the teeth sensitive. Almost 9 percent of adults lose their teeth because of severe gum problems. These gum diseases do not allow the teeth to perform essential functions properly.

Remember that gum issues are not properly curable but can be managed with proper oral hygiene and treatment. If any symptoms of gum infections are recognized at an early stage, gum disease treatment is possible. So, it is necessary to get the gum infection treated to protect your oral health.

Causes of gum disease

Built up plaque on teeth is the main reason for gum diseases. This sticky substance affects the health of your teeth and irritates the gum because of bacteria. In most severe cases soreness, swelling, bleeding, and redness occur.

Hardened plaque on teeth consists of different bacteria that infect the health of gums. The first cause of getting the hardened plaque on teeth is poor oral hygiene. However, many other factors increase the chances of getting gum diseases such as:

  • Smoking or using tobacco
  • Improper oral hygiene
  • Being a diabetic patient
  • Lower immunity level
  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress or depression
  • Heart disease
  • Genetics

The plaque bacteria is passed on from one person to another through saliva, especially if the contact is repeated or stays for long term. Gum disease treatment is necessary because these causes may worsen oral health and lead to tooth loss.

How does smoking relate to gum diseases?

When has smoking ever been a healthy option? It is known to have caused millions of deaths and harmful health conditions, including gum diseases. When you smoke, your body becomes weak, making it difficult to fight off an infection. This further makes it harder to treat or heal a gum disease.

If you are a smoker:

  1. You are at a high risk of developing long lasting gum infections.
  2. Higher the number of cigarettes smoked, higher the risk for a gum infection.
  3. A gum disease treatment may not work on you.
  4. You may experience tooth loss. Contact an oral surgeon if you experience this.
  5. Gum diseases become harder to detect. Tobacco products reduce blood supply to gums and hence make it harder for gum infection to be detected early.
  6. You are at a high risk of developing ulcerative gingivitis.

There cannot be a better reason to stop smoking and get regular dental checkups to prevent gum disease.

Symptoms of gum diseases

You may want to increase your dental visits to ensure proper checkup. Look out for the following symptoms of gum diseases or infections:

  • Red and swollen gums. Gums may also become tender and bleed frequently.
  • A yellow discharge, called pus may come out of your gums.
  • Gums may loosen up, pulling away from your teeth.
  • Bad breath.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Pain while brushing or flossing.
  • Increases spaces between teeth.
  • Pain while chewing anything.

It is better to look out for these symptoms of a gum infection and get into contact with a good oral surgeon. Hey or she may put you up for a gum disease treatment. If these symptoms are recognized at an early stage, gum disease treatment is possible.

Tips for preventing gum diseases:

Periodontal disease, also called gingivitis in its early stage is a severe gum infection/disease. People often neglect gums when it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene and only get concerned about their teeth. What they do not know is that gums are as important as teeth when it comes to good oral health. Here are a few tips to help prevent gum disease: 

  • Brushing and flossing:  As they say, brush twice a day for 2 minutes every time. Brushing and flossing on a regular basis will help keep your gums healthy and strong. This will prevent bacteria and plaque from sticking into your gums and damaging them. Also make sure to rinse your mouth every time after every meal as this will help clear away bacteria and protect you from oral diseases.
  • Regular dental care: Make sure to pay regular visits to your dentist. He will guide you regarding gum disease treatment and prevention. You will be able to take better care of your teeth and gums under a good gum disease treatment.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking as discussed earlier is one of the biggest causes of gum diseases. You may want to think twice before lighting up another cigarette. Smoking or using tobacco in any other form will build tartar between your teeth and harm your gums. Smoking will also make it difficult for your body to accept any gum disease treatment as it lowers your immunity.
  • Good diet: Good diet is the key to a healthy life. What you eat greatly affects your oral health. There are certain vitamins and minerals required by our gums to stay strong, especially vitamin C. Make sure to consume fruits and vegetables to help your gums stay strong and healthy.


In coming to an end, it has become very clear that smoking is a leading cause of gum diseases. Quitting smoking and paying attention to your brushing routine can help keep your gums healthy.

However, if you are experiencing symptoms of gum diseases and looking for a good dental clinic, look no further than Lycian Dental Clinic. At Lycian Dental Clinic, our experienced oral surgeon will offer you 24/7 consultation and excellent treatment plans. So what are you waiting for, book your appointment today!

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