Indications for Dental Extraction

For the overall human health, it is important to preserve and maintain oral health. But if oral health is not maintained, dental extraction is the recommended solution especially when a tooth cannot be saved, or may risk oral health. Dentists only recommend the extraction process after evaluating the condition of the tooth and shed light on the procedure as a viable option.

Almost 27 percent of female students have gone through tooth extraction due to a damaged tooth, trauma, or tooth decay. So, find out the indications for extraction which may protect from several infections or oral diseases.

Tooth extraction

It is paramount to plan and prepare for the procedure of tooth extraction. The dentist performs surgical procedures to minimize the pain and severe inflammation. However, after examination if the tooth can be protected through a tooth crown or other dental procedures, then there is no need for extracting the tooth. But, in some cases when the tooth is affected to an extent that the tooth crown can no longer protect the tooth, extraction becomes necessary.

The major reason for tooth extraction is tooth decay which has increased to 51.8 percent. It may happen because of poor diet and improper oral hygiene. Here is how the extraction procedure is carried out:

  • Dental x-rays: Your dental surgeon will take dental x-rays to check the bone surrounding your teeth and the impacted area.
  • Sedation: If you have dental anxiety, your dentist may sedate you. There are different types of sedatives, including oral sedation, intravenous sedation, and  nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sedation.
  • Extraction: After the local anesthesia is given, the dentist will loosen up your gums and teeth to gently lift the impacted tooth up. In some cases, the surgeon might make an incision in your gums if your tooth is decayed and cannot be accessed easily.
  • After care: After the extraction, a piece of gauze will be placed inside your gums and you will be asked to provide firm pressure on the extraction site. This will prevent blood clotting. You may notice light bleeding in the next 24 hours.

Types of tooth extraction

Tooth extraction can be immediate or postponed, depending upon the severity of inflammation or pain. Here are the two major types:

  1. Immediate tooth extraction: Immediate extraction is required if tooth pain becomes unbearable. Extraction becomes necessary due to various extreme scenarios including severe periodontal disease, accidental trauma and tooth decay. The affected tooth will be of a high risk to the patient’s oral as well as the overall health. This is why in case of an impacted tooth or infection, doctors suggest immediate tooth extraction.
  2. Postponed tooth extraction: In case of an acute infection, the dentist may postpone teeth extraction. This is to allow the patient’s health to regain before the surgery is carried out. Postponed extraction may be followed by various complications, such as severe gum disease or infection.

When is extraction recommended?

Even though doctors try their best to retain natural teeth. But in some cases, for impacted or sensitive teeth, the tooth crown is just not enough. This is because the teeth have been excessively damaged, thus increasing the need for tooth extraction. Following are the cases when your doctor might recommend getting an extraction:

  • Intensive damage to the tooth (such as a decayed tooth).
  • Broken or fractured tooth
  • Infective tooth
  • Gum diseases

Common reasons for tooth extraction:

Tooth extraction has become very common since the past few years due to many reasons. Most common ones are given below:

  • Gum disease: If left untreated, gum disease becomes dangerous and harms teeth in the most painful way possible. It leads to destructive teeth followed by degraded gum tissues, ligaments, and impacted bone. Eventually, the gums loosen up, bleed, and teeth start to pull out. This makes tooth extraction necessary.
  • Dental caries: dental caries, also referred to as tooth decay is one of the most common reasons for tooth extraction. When teeth start decaying, the enamel is affected first. If the decay is detected early, the surgeon may suggest a tooth crown. But in extreme cases, even a tooth crown fails to provide protection. This is when extraction becomes necessary.
  • Impacted teeth: Impacted teeth means that your teeth have not erupted properly or beyond the gum line. Sometimes overcrowding of teeth also leads to impacted teeth, i.e., tilted or twisted teeth. This can cause discomfort and pain, and in severe cases, bacterial infection. Thus extraction is needed.
  • Remaining roots from previous operations: Retained roots from previous extractions or fracture may lead to infection which can spread to the surrounding tissues. . They can also cause difficulty when trying to chew on food. This increases the need for a tooth extraction.
  • Dental trauma: Dental trauma refers to injuries in the teeth or their surroundings. This causes the teeth to either fall off or break. The trauma can be caused by falls or accidents.
  • Teeth alignment: Some people have misaligned teeth and it leads to various complications if not treated early. Teeth misalignment often leads to overlapping of teeth and causes problems while trying to bite.  If dentures fail to work on misaligned teeth, tooth extraction becomes necessary.
  • Other medical indications: You may require extraction before chemotherapy or radiation. Your teeth may also need to be removed before going into a heart-valve surgery. This is because bacteria from teeth can enter the bloodstream and travel to the new heart valve.


In coming to an end, it can be concluded that maintaining your oral health is very important. Most people get their teeth extracted because of infection caused by bad oral health. If neglected, it can lead to various complications, such as infection or diseases. This can further lead to tooth extraction.

If you also need to get your teeth extracted, look no further than Lycian Dental Clinic. We at Lycian Dental Clinic offer free consultation to our customers. Our experienced surgeons will carefully analyze your sensitive teeth and help you with teeth extraction.

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