Cavity in a Wisdom Tooth

A wisdom tooth is the third molar located at the back of the mouth. It often causes serious growth issues or usually gets cavities. Wisdom teeth are removed because scientifically they have no proven health benefits or do not cause any problems after the removal. So, 1 out of 100 people prefer to remove the wisdom tooth because of wisdom tooth cavity which causes damage to the nearby teeth.

Extraction of the wisdom tooth is becomes necessary if it’s causing oral issues such as food getting stuck in gums and accumulation of bacteria. There is a possibility that nearby teeth get badly affected because of bacteria buildup. Get to know how and why it is necessary to remove the cavity tooth.

Wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth erupt at the end of the mouth as compared to other teeth. They start erupting during the teens or 20s but cause pain or severe irritation. The wisdom teeth are removed immediately if your mouth doesn’t have enough space or if crowding of teeth occurs. They often get covered with gums or are impacted which further causes oral issues. The study shows that 76 percent of patients have issues like wisdom tooth cavity, overcrowding or impacted wisdom tooth, leading to the process of extraction.

Wisdom tooth cavity- reasons

Wisdom tooth cavity is common for several reasons. These cavities cause noticeable symptoms as they get advanced. Constant discomfort or irritation helps to identify the cavity tooth. Regular dental checkups are essential because they identify the problem and enable your dentist to find a suitable treatment. Following are the main reasons of a tooth cavity

  • Bacterial infection

The bacterial accumulation in the mouth makes brushing and flossing inaccessible. Poor hygiene increases the risk of cavities. The irregular position of wisdom tooth traps the food particles between the gum and tooth which becomes the ultimate reason for bacterial growth, increasing the chances of cavity tooth.

  • Food selection

Improper food selection or eating sugary foods more often increase the chances of getting a cavity tooth. Most people do not clean their teeth after drinking or eating which becomes the main reason for cavity buildup. Eating sugary foods or preferring sugary liquids before bedtime is a contributing risk factor for developing cavities.

When does it need to be removed?

A cavity tooth starts decaying right after it causes infections. This leads to serious oral health issues or may spread the cavities in the mouth leading to periodontal disease. A wisdom tooth cavity causes several problems in the mouth and needs to be removed immediately if it causes the following issues:

  • Pain

When you are experiencing pain in the mouth or gums that does not go away, it is the right time to visit your dentist and go for oral X-rays. If the pain is coming from the back of the mouth, there are chances you have developed a wisdom tooth cavity which may be at its advanced level. In this situation get a wisdom tooth extraction immediately.

  • Infection

Infection may make the teeth hard to clean. It happens when the food and bacteria get trapped easily between the gum or tooth. This is when wisdom tooth removal becomes essential.

  • Tooth decay

Wisdom tooth cavity is the main reason for tooth decay which influences the nearby teeth. The position of the wisdom tooth makes it harder to clean, making it prone to cavitation. The food also gets trapped in the gums or between the teeth becoming a major reason for infection or tooth decay.

  • Impacted surrounding teeth

Wisdom tooth indeed pushes itself against the other teeth especially if the mouth is crowded. It damages or impacts the second molar increasing the risk of infections. Remove the wisdom tooth if the surrounding teeth are getting affected.

Pros of wisdom tooth extraction

The wisdom tooth gets infected, causing other dental issues. Dentists may recommend filling the cavity or restoring the tooth, but it depends on the process of decaying. Many dentists recommend the process of extraction because of the following benefits:

  • Improved gum health: Removing the wisdom teeth immediately improves oral health. It makes the bones and gums healthy.
  • Prevents overcrowding:  The extraction  prevents overcrowding in the mouth. It gives other teeth enough space for alignment.
  • Daily care: After the extraction of the wisdom tooth, it is easy to floss or brush the teeth at the back of the mouth.

Cons of wisdom tooth cavity

  After the removal of wisdom tooth, it is important to be well aware of its associated risks. The procedure may be done under general anesthesia and takes a maximum 40 minutes. Some common complications may include:

  • Dry socket: After the wisdom tooth cavity extraction surgery, a clot is formed in the empty tooth socket. This may end up getting a dry socket leaving you in severe pain.
  • Nerve damage: During the extraction process, there is a high risk of getting your nerves damaged; the ones around the wisdom tooth. These nerves may get temporarily or permanently damaged depending on the complexity of the extraction of the cavity tooth.
  • Delayed healing: After the extraction, if the patient cannot stop smoking or drinking, the healing process will be delayed. The recovery time in older patients is longer as compared to the other patients.


The dentist decides on wisdom tooth cavity removal only after examining the condition of the teeth. Remember, the age of the patient already matters. Although wisdom tooth removal is a simple process, it needs to be monitored regularly to avoid any complications in the future.

So, to ease out the symptoms of cavity tooth, dentists suggest removing the wisdom tooth. At Lycian Dental Clinic we follow all the care instructions and avoid future complications with our experience and skills. If you are likely to have a tooth cavity, book your appointment now.

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