Denture Relines and Repairs: When and Why You Need Them

Did you know that 19% of the population of most countries in the world uses dentures for missing teeth? They are the perfect solution for missing teeth. Affordable dentures have become easily accessible as more people have started using them. Dentures are removable teeth that are used to fill the gaps of missing teeth. Consult your dentist to explore more options regarding affordable dentures.

Even though they provide a solution, it can become a problem if they start irritating or cause discomfort. This is when relines and repairs come in. In the following article we will take a look at denture relines and repairs and also discuss the circumstances under which you might need them.

Denture Relines

Every year around 15% of people get dentures made for their missing teeth. But, most of them feel irritated and uncomfortable due to their dentures. This is when dental relines come in for help.

A dental reline involves using a chemical compound to fill in on the base of your affordable dentures. This is to fix your dentures into the gums and reduce their chances of loosening up or falling off. Following are the different types of dental relines:

  • Hard: They are to be used after every 3 years. Hard relines are made up of acrylics and are specifically made to ease discomfort and keep your affordable dentures intact.
  • Temporary: Just like a temporary tooth, temporary relines are used by patients who have undergone emergency denture repair.
  • Soft: Soft reline also acts like a temporary tooth, used for temporary healing and relief. It consists of a spongy coating that provides cushion to your affordable dentures and gums.


  1. In the first step, your dentist will adjust the dentures and smooth out the surface so there are no rough spots left.
  2. Secondly, he will use a wax-like greenstick to analyze how it should be adjusted into your gums.
  3. Your dentist will take an impression of your dentures and see how your mouth looks.
  4. The compound will fill the spaces between your dentures and fix them perfectly to your gums.

When are denture relines needed?

Mild changes in the bone and dentures can be solved simply with help of denture relines. With denture relines, you can make your discomfort go away and live a comfortable and irritation free life.

  • Adjustments: During the first few days after getting your first dentures, your mouth may not properly adjust to the changs.
  • Jaw bone changes shape: Jaw bone’s shape may change leading to dentures becoming loose. 
  • Irritation and discomfort: Irritation and soreness in the gums can be solved with relines.
  • Weight: Changes in weight can affect the tightening and loosening of the dentures.

Denture Repairs

A denture repair is used to fix your dentures or replace them completely. In simple words; denture repair is used to repair either the framework or the body of your affordable dentures. There are many processes for this, sometimes the dentist removes the denture, replaces it with a temporary tooth and replaces it with new customized dentures. The types are as follow:

  • Crack repair: Due to various activities our teeth or dentures can wear off or develop a crack which may be concerning. For this, there are various solutions, one of them is a dental kit which provides an adhesive to overcome the cracks.
  • Chip repair: Chipped dentures can be fixed by adhesives which are applied to the chipped surface after cramping it with a sandpaper.
  • Tooth replacement: In some cases, tooth replacement is required. It involves a temporary tooth which is placed in the mouth after the dentures are removed. While the new dentures are made in the labs the temporary tooth stays intact. After its preparation, the denture is fixed into the gums.


  1. The loose pieces from the dentures are removed. This process is carried out by cleaning the dentures.
  2. A repair material is applied to the dentures. It is smoothed to match the look of the natural teeth.
  3. During the repair process, a temporary tooth is likely to be placed in the place of the missing tooth. The temporary tooth is placed to give a natural look to the mouth while the dentures are being repaired.
  4. Soon after the denture is repaired, it is polished and applied to the gums again.

When are denture repairs needed?

You may need to hurry up with a dentist appointment if you are noticing any cracks or chips in your dentures. Make sure to start the repairing process as soon as possible and avoid the risk of getting tooth replacement.

  • Cracked or broken tooth: Broken or cracked denture can be painful and can cause discomfort. This problem can be solved by denture repairs. Either the denture is replaced by a new denture, while the patient is provided with a temporary tooth to keep a complete look.
  • Odor: If you experience bad odor in your mouth, it means that bacteria has started building up in your mouth. This is a sign for your to get your dentures cleaned or repaired.
  • Broken denture base: A broken denture base can affect your denture’s stability. The dentures can become loose or come off easily if the base is not stable. This is when a denture repair becomes necessary.
  • Changes in facial structure: As we grow old, our facial structure changes and these changes in the facial structure affect the stability of your dentures. This calls for a repair or replacement.


Denture relines and repairs play a significant role in helping you keep your dentures clean and safe. This maintains the stability of your dentures and mouth. As discussed earlier, there are different types of relines and repairs. Consult a good doctor today and explore different options for your affordable dentures and their repair.

If you are seeking professional advice for dentures, look no further than Lycian Dental Clinic, where we offer 24/7 consultation. Our team at Lycian Clinic works hard to provide you with the best repair and relining treatment.

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