Non-Surgical Methods for Managing Mild Underbites

Underbite issue surely affects the self-esteem. It is dental as well as an aesthetic issue that needs immediate treatment. Underbite leads to serious health issues such as speaking, eating difficulty, chronic headaches, tooth decay, or jaw pain. The underbite treatment surely brings out paramount improvement in smile and confidence. Family dentistry ensures that the correction of underbite is not tedious or painful.

Surgical methods are not the only solution for the skeletal problem. Many non-surgical methods help to manage the mild underbites issue. Get to know how one can cure the underbite problem.

What are underbites?

The jaw malocclusion is the state where lower teeth protrude the upper teeth. Almost 41 percent of people are suffering from malocclusion because of teeth overcrowding. These underbites or reverse bite effects are minor or are hardly visible but, in some cases, they get so severe that the lower jaw expands and covers the upper jaw. However, the severity of malocclusion varies according to the condition.

The symptoms of underbite problems are speech issues, chewing problems, pain, biting, or even discomfort in the jaw or mouth. According to studies, 27 percent of individuals suffer from severe underbite problems. Family dentistry reports that in severe cases, tooth enamel may be damaged, and the front teeth may chip or break.


The main reason for an underbite issue is either having an underdeveloped upper jaw or an overdeveloped lower jaw. It can also happen because of a combination of both reasons. The main cause of underbite is because of the positioning of teeth instead of the jaw placement or size.

So, certain conditions and behaviors are reported by the family dentistry that cause underbite problems.

  • Genetic: It is true that family determines the size and shape of the teeth and jaw. So, the inheritance of the genes plays a vital role. Many people suffer from teeth misalignment due to genetic inheritance but underbite treatment is necessary at an early age.
  • Injury: Sometimes an injury to the jaw or face causes an underbite issue. In most cases, jaw bones do not grow properly to keep the teeth aligned.
  • Behaviors: Repeated actions or continuous childhood behavior puts pressure on the teeth forming an underbite issue. The actions include bottle feeding, thumb sucking, or even the use of a pacifier. Tongue thrusting or the habit of nail biting also puts pressure on teeth via the tongue leading to an underbite.

Problems caused by underbites

Underbite treatment at the right time and right age surely saves from additional health issues such as:

  • TMJ disorders: This condition happens when the problem is faced with the joint that connects the upper jaw and lower jaw. This causes issues like earaches, headaches, or facial pain.
  • Dental problems: The misaligned teeth and the bite create spaces for bacteria. The bacteria increase the chances of infection and leads to dental problems such as gum diseases, cavities, and tooth decay. The treatment is necessary otherwise it would crack or wear the teeth.
  • Sleep Apnea: It is a sleeping disorder that causes one to stop breathing while sleeping. Sometimes a temporary pause in breathing leads to drowsiness, irritation, or fatigue as well.
  • Speech issue: It affects the speech leading to problems like speech clarity.

Non-surgical underbites treatment

Underbite treatment options depend on the underbite severity or the age. These treatments help to align the jaw bone structures. Even family dentistry recommends some of the exercises to follow at an early age to align the growing jaw bones, especially in children. However, in severe cases, dentists recommend immediate surgery.

These non-surgical treatments prove helpful and effective when implemented at an early age especially when the jaw bone is growing. If there is any family history of irregular jaw bone or underbite issue, seek dental help as soon as possible.

  • Reverse pull mask for face

This non-surgical underbite treatment is specifically for children from 5 to 10 years. It targets usually the alignment of the upper jaw with a mask-like gadget that wraps around the head. It is one of the most effective and reliable solutions. The Pull Face Mask must be worn at least 12 hours a day to have a great orthopedic effect.

  • Braces

It is a common treatment to correct the issue of underbite. Braces cater to different age groups and they come in different types such as hidden braces, clear, and metal. It is considered the most efficient and effective solution. Braces are worn for longer periods followed by the family dentistry to maintain the retainers or alignment.

  • -Upper jaw expanders

This is also a treatment option advised at the right time by the family dentist who understands the breadth of the upper jaw of their patient. If the upper jaw is narrow, an expander is used which widens the jaw slowly with time and improves the bite issue by aligning the teeth.

  • -Invisalign

Invisalign is also a reliable and common treatment for moderate to severe issues. These clear braces straighten the teeth with clear and customized aligners. The advanced technology helps to achieve the smart and ideal smile that corrects the position of teeth with time. It is often recommended by family dentistry because it corrects the issue of underbite within a year.

  • Veneers

Very mild underbite issues can also be treated through veneers. Veneers is a cosmetic underbite treatment that not only resolves the bite problem but also enhances the overall appearance of the human being. This process needs to be followed under special care by placing the mimic upper jaw to keep the teeth aligned. It needs to be done in time to avoid future pain or jaw discomfort.


Non-surgical underbite treatment proves to be effective if it is diagnosed at an early age. Non-surgical treatments involve several exercises and braces that effectively manage mild underbite issues. But for the severe cases, do seek the tailored treatment.

Lycian Dental Clinic ensures a reliable underbite plan to promote better oral health. The professionals at Lycian Dental Clinic emphasize expert guidance and also highlight the complexity of treatment choices. So, book your appointment now for the best family dentistry help.

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