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Procedure of Third Molar Wisdom Teeth Removal

Procedure of Third Molar Wisdom Teeth Removal

People are facing the growing concerns of wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth don’t cause any oral issues but surely discomfort when they start decaying. The third molars are often termed as permanent missing teeth among adults with a  percentage ranging from 9 to 20 percent. Teeth cleaning is important to keep all teeth intact. It...

Invisible Braces vs. Traditional Braces: Which Is Right for You?

Invisible Braces vs. Traditional Braces: Which Is Right for You?

Everyone wants a Hollywood-style smile that comes with shiny and blinky teeth. For a Hollywood-style smile, it is important to have straightened teeth. And to straighten your teeth you need to choose between the treatment options to get traditional or invisible braces. According to cosmetic dentists, almost 45 percent of people go for braces to...

Common Problems with Dentures Patiens and How to Solve Them

Common Problems with Dentures Patiens and How to Solve Them

Dentures patients prove to be a vital solution when there is tooth loss. A dentist always ensures to keep the dental patients happy. A positive dental experience surely keeps the patients comfortable and happy. But no matter how well the dentist prepares his patients, there is always an unhappy denture patient. Up to 35.4% of...

How Invisible Aligners Are Revolutionizing Orthodontic Treatment

How Invisible Aligners Are Revolutionizing Orthodontic Treatment

Invisible aligners are a revolutionary technology in the world of orthodontic treatment. They are the perfect solution to your crooked teeth. invisible aligners are made of transparent plastic and customized for your mouth and teeth. Most of the dental work in istanbul is being done on clear aligners in all of the top dental clinics...

Common Procedures in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Patient’s Guide

Common Procedures in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Patient’s Guide

The common dental procedures include dental implants, removal of wisdom teeth, and third molars. Further dental work in Istanbul includes oral and maxillofacial surgery. The top dental clinics in Turkey are proficient and skillful in dealing with a variety of oral surgeries. They follow the latest surgical techniques.. Moreover, dentists have to deal with wisdom...

Aesthetic Dentistry: Bridging the Gap Between Beauty and Oral Health

Aesthetic Dentistry: Bridging the Gap Between Beauty and Oral Health

In the last couple of years, people have started to understand the benefits of aesthetic dentistry. They are constantly striving to enhance smiles through the desired aesthetic. The best aesthetic dental clinic in Istanbul not only gives a million-dollar smile but also remarkable health advantages. The procedures performed by the aesthetic dentists involve smile designing,...

Advancements in Non-Surgical Treatments for Gum Disease

Advancements in Non-Surgical Treatments for Gum Disease

Gum disease gets bad if not treated on time. It ranges from minor issues to severe gum diseases. If the gum disease is caught early, non-surgical methods are used for gum disease treatment. Almost 5.3% of people prefer non-surgical treatment to surgical care. Sometimes a healthy deep oral cleaning restores the gum health. But most...

The Future of Dental Implants

The Future of Dental Implants

Dental implants have gained a lot of attention recently and have undergone amazing advancements as well. Thanks to these recent advances, they have become a permanent solution to tooth loss. It is important to visit a good dentist in istanbul if you want a treatment that uses recent technology. 26% of adults lose all their...

How Health Impacts dental Heart Health:

How Health Impacts dental Heart Health:

Dental Heart diseases are responsible for 47% of all deaths in Turkey. One of the many major reasons for heart diseases is bad oral health. Yes, bad oral health is a major factor resulting in high cholesterol and eventually causing cardiovascular diseases. Proper dental care and treatment is crucial for heart patients as it can...