Importance of Regular Dental Checkups for Children

Parents need to take care and follow up on the dental checkups for the babies and should never overlook the temporary teeth. Parents need to take care of their kid’s oral health at an early age. It is better to start visiting a kids dentist during infancy. This habit helps to establish healthy teeth and benefits overall development.

Being a parent it’s your responsibility to ensure the child’s oral health. Do visit the pediatric dentist so that the infant mouth stays healthy. According to the statistics, almost 60 percent of people in Turkey visit the dentist at least once a year. Let’s explore the role of parents in prioritizing the oral health of their kids at an early age.

The Baby’s teeth

Being a parent welcomes many joys, responsibilities, and challenges. One of the major responsibilities is to look for a pediatric dentist and start the preventive care to take care of your child’s teeth. Early dental visits are important as soon as a baby gets their first tooth at the age of 6 months or 12 months. Most of the kids get a tooth after they are a year old.

The research in 2019 clearly shows that children of 0-6 years in Turkey are likely to have oral as well as dental issues up to 6.4%. At the age of 3, a child has most of its baby teeth such as two front teeth and two teeth at the bottom. The next teeth would be at the sides of those teeth and then at the back of the mouth.

The first dental visit

The kids dentist recommends that every infant should start seeing the dentist as soon as the teething process begins. The teething process is hard on little babies and often causes swollen gums and sore, and tender gums. The kids get irritated because of the teething until the age of 3 and must see the dentist regularly for cleanings or better recommendations.

However, the pediatric dentist recommends that an infant should continue seeing the dentist biannually and they do not need any thorough dental cleaning but the examination is important. The primary teeth hold a paramount role in dental development.

When do kids start losing teeth?

A child’s primary teeth start to lose and fall at the age of 5 or 6. These baby teeth fall out and make room for permanent teeth. The two bottom and front teeth typically fall out at first, then lateral incisors fall out. It is followed by first molars, canines, and second molars. However, every child is unique and will lose their first tooth late in 7 years.

Benefits of early dental checkups for kids

There are several reasons why early dental checkups are great for kids. Get to know how kids dentists can help your child get long-term healthy teeth and gums.

  • Creating space for Adult teeth

Baby teeth help to mash the child’s first solid foods. These teeth behave ideally and prepare the mouth by creating space for adult teeth. The entire teething process is difficult for a child. So frequent pediatric dentist visit helps to make the process easy. The proper ways make the foundation of the teeth and gums strong.

  • Damaged baby teeth

When one tooth gets damaged, the other teeth are also affected especially if the cavity is left untreated. It may only happen if you don’t follow up kids dentist. The cavity will build up with time and bacteria will start attacking the adjacent teeth.

  • The serious screenings

The kids dentist examines the mouth completely to detect dental issues and also offers tooth cleaning. If there is any serious oral situation, the pediatric dentist will surely notice it in the early visit. Oral cancer is not so common in kids but still, a regular dental visit will help you to detect it at an early stage through proper follow-up.

  • Preventive care

During regular visits, dentists will give in-depth tooth cleaning so your child will have sparkling clean teeth. This helps to make your teeth free from cavities and other common oral issues. However, proper preventive care at home helps to maintain oral hygiene.

  • Take care of your child’s teeth

If you are a new parent, a pediatric dentist will guide you on how to maintain the dental hygiene of your kid. The effective dental tips will keep the child’s mouth healthy. The dentists will also guide you with the latest technologies and techniques to follow.

Consequences of not visiting the dentist

If you are ignoring the important early dental visits of your child, it is good to know the related consequences you have to face shortly. This will affect the life of your child and potentially impact adulthood as well.

  • Not forming good dental habits

Children who tend to visit dentists frequently also develop good dental habits. But those parents who fail to develop good dental habits face cavities and broken teeth at an early age. Good dental habits give lifelong benefits otherwise it will become a lifelong curse with tooth decay, severe pain, and other dental issues.

  • Teeth issues

If the child’s teeth are crooked, a child will face alignment issues with the permanent teeth. The baby teeth issues need to be resolved because they create a foundation for adult teeth. At an adult age, they have to face real consequences of improper tooth structure such as tooth decay, improper teeth cleaning, or cavities. Improperly aligned teeth create issues with talking and eating as well.

  • Braces during pre-teens

Braces are not horrible but they seem unpleasant when children have them at the age of 10 or 12. Braces are the common consequence faced by children who have permanent teeth alignment issues with the permanent.

Improper alignment occurs because of not visiting the kids dentist regularly. The teeth grow awkwardly and your kid ends up getting braces in pre-teens.


Early dental visits are important at least twice a year. This helps to enhance the oral health of your child and prevents them from getting painful oral health issues. It is good to commit to the best pediatric dentist for your child as early as you can.

Lycian Dental Clinic offers specialized and personalized dental care for kids. We at Lycian Dental Clinic provide the best kids dentist who is highly qualified and assists with high-quality technology in a child-friendly environment that your kids will love to visit. So, book your visit now and let your child grow better.

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