Author: lycianclinic

How to Choose the Top Dental Clinic and Dentist in Turkey

How to Choose the Top Dental Clinic and Dentist in Turkey

Dental clinic is a critical aspect of health that should not be entrusted to inexperienced or unqualified practitioners. When you sit in a dental chair, you are not only placing your oral health in the hands of the dentist but also hoping for a beautiful and functional smile. With numerous adverse incidents reported globally by...

Benefits of Receiving Dental Services Directly from the Clinic

Benefits of Receiving Dental Services Directly from the Clinic

The internet has made it easier than ever to find what we need, from the nearest grocery store to the top-rated restaurant or the best museum in town. Similarly, when it comes to healthcare, many people turn to the web for research. Medical tourism has become a popular option for many seeking cosmetic procedures, hair...

Veneers vs. Teeth Whitening

Veneers vs. Teeth Whitening

Everybody wants a bright smile. People go for cosmetic dentistry in order to get a bright smile. A study by AACD stated that 86% of patients in America seek cosmetic dentistry to simply boost their self-esteem. When we eat acidic food, consume tobacco containing products, and become irresponsible about our oral health, our teeth become...

Emax Crowns

The Connection Between Impacted Wisdom Teeth and Cavity Formation

Wisdom tooth cavity, one of the major concerns of young adults. Because they grow or erupt in the back of the mouth, they grow either misaligned or crowded. This causes infections and problem cleaning at the back. Almost 25% of people with asymptomatic wisdom teeth get gum infections. If the impacted wisdom tooth is not...

Indications for Dental Extraction

Indications for Dental Extraction

For the overall human health, it is important to preserve and maintain oral health. But if oral health is not maintained, dental extraction is the recommended solution especially when a tooth cannot be saved, or may risk oral health. Dentists only recommend the extraction process after evaluating the condition of the tooth and shed light...

How Smoking Increases the Risk of Gum Disease

How Smoking Increases the Risk of Gum Disease

Have you been smoking and neglecting your oral health too? You may want to think again before you light up another cigarette. Yes, smoking and gum disease have a very strong connection. As per the stats, 75% to 90% of oral cancer cases are associated with smoking. In the following article, we will dive deeply...

Common Hygiene Mistakes in Dental Clinics and How to Avoid Them

Common Hygiene Mistakes in Dental Clinics and How to Avoid Them

Maintaining oral hygiene is important if you want to keep your mouth and teeth clean. As per WHO, 3.5 billion people suffer from oral diseases around the world. Furthermore, it is essential to use proper dental hygiene instruments in order to protect yourself from cavities and infections. Using the accurate instruments will remove any remaining...

Dental Extraction

At-Home Teeth Whitening vs. Professional Treatments

Teeth Whitening is a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment. It offers a great solution to whiten the teeth and its results last for several months. For teeth whitening, many people prefer to take professional treatment, and 57.9 percent of dentists in Turkey recommend professional whitening. The process of whitening helps to lighten the teeth’s colour and...

Dental Implants for Seniors: Is Age a Factor in Success Rates?

Dental Implants for Seniors: Is Age a Factor in Success Rates?

Dental implants for seniors the perfect solution for affected teeth. Around 5 million people get dental implants annually. But the main question that arises is: Does age affect dental implants? With growing age, your teeth begin to deteriorate and degrade, thus affecting your ability to eat and chew food properly. This increases the need for...